


Launch of Refuge In Literacy UK website-so a significant moment.

In November we had a ‘soft launch’ in Barking Learning Centre, hosted by Zionul Abidin, Head of Access and Universal Services in Barking and Dagenham.

Speakers about domestic violence included, Zionul Abidin, Claire Culliford, author, members of the Survivor’s Panel, Anne Stairmand, CEO, Founder, Refuge In Literacy UK.

This was a small, but very successful event as the country was starting to come out of COVID, and we were delighted to share the work of Refuge In Literacy UK.


Each month we invited one of our board advisors to join board meetings each month, and this proved very successful and useful.


Chris Madeley, children’s author, writing books for children on different types of safety, donated 270 books to refuges in the Leeds area.

Refuge In Literacy UK became a member of Intelligence Forums and to date, has spoken on several occasions.


Meeting with Mared Tudor, Refuge In Literacy UK Board Director, to discuss and go over Business Plan 2021/2022, ensured we had achieved and exceeded our first year targets.


Refuge In Literacy UK CEO, invited to The Book Society Summer Drinks Party.

Anne Stairmand delivered first INSET for Refuge In Literacy UK with a large domestic violence organisation in the Midlands, Black Country.

Very well received and positive results for mothers and children.

A great start.


Refuge In Literacy UK secured CSR storage space to hold books from publishers which will be posted to refuges throughout the UK.


Anne Stairmand hosted Steph Mallas, former CEO, Stockport Without Abuse, a Refuge In Literacy UK Board Director, and discussed new role and direction in working with refuges in the Pilot Group.

Steph will be leading in this area.

INSET to large organisation in Essex, Next Chapter on the reading prompts and their use, delivered to the community and family team, with very positive results.


Investors In Community placed Refuge In Literacy UK profile on their website for CSR donations.


Refuge In Literacy UK spoke at ASCEL National Libraries Conference about their work to date since June 2021. A call to action to engage libraries to support fonestic violence refuge directly.

Refuge In Literacy UK link with Victim Support Ben Donagh, National Child Support Lead with INSET for reading prompts for teams.

Article and profile on Refuge In Literacy UK in Write On! Online magazine in Barling and Dagenham.

Givey platform added to the website for donations.


Attended The Book Society Christmas Drinks.

Donated signed copies of books to Her Centre in Woolwich.

Published article in BookBrunch online literary magazine about the role of Refuge In Literacy UK.



Meeting with Literacy Lead for Essex Libraries to find links with Refuge In Literacy UK. Currently developing opportunities in this area.

Introductory meeting with Jo Powell, Literacy Lead, Essex County Libraries.


Stephen Holland agrees to be our patron.

Forwarded our letter of appeal to Nicola Solomon, CEO, Society of Authors to publishers for consideration.


Talked about Refuge In Literacy UK at an in-house meeting in London with Intelligence Forums.

Discussed INSET training days for Victim Support for later in the year.


Further contact and meetings with Jo Powell.

Meeting with Doorstep Libraries.


Confirmed dates for Victim Support INSET training.


Attended The Book Society Summer Drinks Party in London.

Attended Society of Authors Awards Ceremony and Summer Drinks Party in London.

Completed stakeholder’s pack for future planning.

Claire Culliford sends her story dedicated to domestic violence refuges, to be tested out by the pilot refuges.


Update to all authors donating books about our progress this year.


Delivered training to Victim Support Team, head office Staffordshire.


Initial links with the Soroptimists in Litchfield to discuss a link.

Initial meeting with Barking and Dagenham to develop a programme to deliver reading prompts into parts of the community.

Training with Next Link Housing in South West England.

Donation of books from Imagine That! Publishing House.


Delivering talk in London at an Intelligence Forum meeting on behalf of Refuge In Literacy UK.

Donation of books from Nosy Crow Independent Publishers.

Donation of books from Paula McMohon, Sir Robert McAlphine.



Delivered talk to Litchfield Soroptimists about Refuge In Literacy UK.

Further meetings in Barking and Dagenham regarding the training programme.

Introduction of Cornwall Refuge to the Pilot Group.


Case study received from Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership using the reading prompts.

Further domestic violence refuges in the Bristol area are interested in joining the Pilot Group.


Three training sessions in Barking and Dagenham for ambassadors to prepare delivery of reading prompts in the main library.

Delivered training session to Peterborough Women’s Aid.

Meeting with two key people in the Soroptimists to discuss proposals to work with the Midlands and South East regions to deliver the reading prompts in domestic violence refuges with ambassadors.