The Extra Mile...

Companies And Individuals
'Who Have Gone The Extra Mile'
With CSR

Chris Madeley

Chris is the highly successful author of Cones Books, keen to ensure children understand how businesses and industries work and writes books for children to inform them with 14 books published and sponsored by businesses, with more in the coming year.

Refuge In Literacy UK is profoundly and deeply touched by this generosity and it reflects the need and passion for our cause, and we cannot thank Chris enough for her time, commitment and enthusiasm.

Chris donated 270 books to domestic violence refuges in the Leeds area in spring 2022.

Keith Madeley, MBE Mr Yorkshire

Keith’s introduction to Refuge In Literacy UK as a Board Advisor has been dynamic, and his support to raise Refuge In Literacy UK’s profile in the business and wider community has been wonderful.

It is through Keith, we were introduced to Chris, his wife and author, which resulted in the very generous donation of the C270 Cone Books.

Throughout our development Keith has continued to link us to new opportunities such as Intelligence Forums and Investors in Community, ensuring our message is promoted, and our voice is heard.

As always proactive and practical, it is an honour and pleasure to know Keith is a passionate advocate of Refuge In Literacy UK.

Commit Digital

Ian Fleeton, Managing Director of Commit Digital offered to do the website for Refuge In Literacy UK as part of CSR, and working with Ian’s generosity, care and commitment has not only ensured we have a great website, but a wonderful working relationship where nothing is too much to complete.

We thank Ian and his amazing team for their continued support.

Ian is the kindest person to work with too, donating his team to enable our website to move forward.

Euan Monaghan

Without Euan’s generous donation of his incredible graphics, our website would not exist.

Working with Euan and the amount of selfless time he gave to ensure the website was pitched perfectly for our wider audience was excellent.

His vast expertise ensured the image of Refuge In Literacy UK was a true reflection of the organisation.

Not only are we thrilled with the results, but Euan was also highly organised, effective, and a superb person to work.

We are indebted to his generosity by donating the website and feel honoured to have had he opportunity to work with him.

Vicki Culverhouse, Straightahead

I’m not sure where to start with Vicki.

As CEO of Straightahead and a Director of Refuge In Literacy UK, Vicki is instrumental for the introduction to Commit Digital and donated her team as part of CSR to make links with domestic violence refuges throughout the UK on behalf of our organisation.

Without doubt, her team has been extraordinary speaking to an enormous list of refuges developing communication and links.

Led and charged by Vicki’s absolute passion to support our cause, the donation of Straightahead’s work and involvement cannot be underestimated.

Added to this, Vicki is just great to work with and has helped the board enormously in our first year.

Georgina Weston

Georgina was introduced to Refuge In Literacy UK by Ian from Commit Digital whom she works with several days per week.

Since starting the website, Georgina has launched her own business as a software developer and was delighted to be asked to help with the reading prompts for Refuge In Literacy UK.

We could not have worked with anyone better, more thoughtful, thorough, highly professional, who is excellent at delivering the product, plus, is so positive all the time.

We are honoured Georgina has donated her free time, CSR working on the reading prompts.

A truly sensational job, executed and completed by Georgina to the highest standard.

Corinne Gotch

With countless years in the book industry working in senior positions, Corinne’s impact and guidance cannot be underestimated as a Board Advisor and support for Refuge In Literacy UK.

Since meeting in 2021, Corinne’s expertise and judgement has helped secure excellent links to the book industry, and her unswerving passion to our cause has enabled us to move forward with enormous confidence and clarity.

Added to this, Corinne is wonderful to work with, her positiveness, expertise and strategic insight have helped the organisation enormously so far.

Claire Culliford

As an author with a background in education and languages, Claire’s contribution as a Board Advisor is excellent.

Claire is donating her time CSR, to write an illustrated story especially for children of domestic abuse, which when completed will be sent online directly to refuges to read and share.

This is a very thoughtful and generous gesture, as the stories will also resonate with ways to deal with abuse.

We are indebted to Claire and her illustrator for taking time to complete their story so that children in these situations can enjoy the story and find help and guidance from it too.

Claire has completed her story with beautiful illustrations specifically for domestic violence refuges to share with families and children to support them. We are indebted to Claire’s generosity of heart and appreciate the time and commitment needed to achieve this special story. Thank you Claire for your incredible and worthwhile contribution to supporting Refuge In Literacy UK!

Debbie Slater, Black Country

As Fund Manager for a large organisation in the Midlands, the Black Country, Debbie’s endless struggle to promote our work in her organisation has been nothing less than remarkable.

It is through Debbie’s determination we have made links to the refuges and delivered INSET in the Black Country.

Debbie’s commitment and resolve to support Refuge In Literacy UK is inspirational, strategic and pragmatic, which ensures we keep moving forward. We value Debbie’s commitment very highly.

Zoinul Abidin, MBE Barking Learning Centre

Knowing the passion Zionul has for working with young people in challenging situations in Barking Learning Centre, covering all types of engagement, I was delighted when he accepted the role as a Board Advisor.

It is through Zionul Refuge In Literacy UK was able to have its ‘soft launch’ in Barking Learning Centre and created the link between Refuge In Literacy UK and the Survivor’s Panel, Rise.

His expertise and knowledge of forming links and sharing ideas is greatly valued in our organisation, and, we are very grateful for the unwavering support.

Steph Mallas

Previously CEO of Stockport Without Abuse and a board director, Steph’s outstanding knowledge and strategic acumen leading large domestic violence organisation is invaluable and we are and indebted to her commitment and passion for Refuge In Literacy UK.

Steph is now actively involved in Refuge In Literacy UK as the lead for the Pilot Group with refuges throughout the UK, to support their use of the reading prompts.

Adding to this, Steph’s positive, forthright commitment as a director is wonderful and Refuge In Literacy UK is honoured to have her contributions.

Investors in Community

Dave Clarkson, Director, Investors in Community very kindly donated space on their platform allowing Refuge In Literacy UK to ask for specific skills to support us a new CIC.

We are indebted to Dave Clarkson and Tracey Oley-Jones for support as we move forward and are honoured to have this valuable link.

Boxed Storage Company

Director, Tobias Butler was delighted to be part of our venture in Refuge In Literacy UK and immediately, and very generously, donated storage space for books from publishers which will be sent to refuges across the UK.

We are thrilled and honoured, as Tobias launches his new company, to be linked with Boxed Storage Company and look forward to developing strong links in the future.

Stephen Holland

Our patron, Stephen Holland, has kindly donated several boxes of books to domestic violence refuges in the Nottingham area. We know the power of illustrations, comics, graphic novels, captions, pictures enable readers to draw on many challenging comprehension skills to understand and enjoy a text of this type. Stephen’s rich and diversified contribution of books, ensures all families and children can be immersed in any text and and story. Thank you Stephen.

Jenna and Lucy, Hedgehog Books

Thank you to Jenna and Lucy for their generous donation of several boxes of their books for domestic violence refuges. Their kindness and thought is much appreciated and the books will be valued.

Jo Powell, Literacy Lead, Essex County Libraries

Refuge In Literacy UK is thrilled and honoured to have this new and innovative link with Essex County Libraries. Having met after the ACEL Conference, Jo Powell is working on ensuring domestic violence refuges in the South of Essex area, will have librarians visiting them to read to families and children, also using the reading prompts too. Basildon will be the first area, and we look forward to being involved to support literacy and the joy of reading.

Ben Donagh, National Child Lead, Victim Support
Emma Tinsley, Manager, Victim Support

Over the past year Refuge In Literacy Uk has had several meetings with Victim Support, and because of Ben and Emma’s commitment to our cause and journey, we are delighted to say, we are supporting each other's organisation. Emma is placing author’s books in communities where it is difficult to find domestic violence refuges. In return, Refuge In Literacy UK is training staff to use the reading prompts to support literacy in domestic violence refuges and the communities to improve life opportunities.

Nicola Solomon, CEO, Society of Authors

We are indebted to Nicola Solomon, who very kindly supported a proposal to publishers, on behalf of Refuge In Literacy UK, introducing our organisation and its cause.

Annie Everall, OBE, Director, Authors Aloud UK, Authors Aloud Agency

Annie has been instrumental to Refuge In Literacy UK by giving us the platform at the ACEL Conference for libraries to talk about Refuge In Literacy UK and our role to improve the literacy confidence and life opportunities for families and children in domestic violence. Annie also very generously donated some books too. We greatly value our new relationship and look forward to future links as our organisation progresses.

Sue Ball MBE, Libraries Development Manager, Families and Communication, Libraries and Arts Service, Staffordshire County Council

Sue Ball made it possible for Refuge In Literacy UK to have a place in the ACEL Libraries Conference, which was held in Staffordshire. We would like to thank Sue for thinking of Refuge In Literacy UK and believing in us enough to include us in the conference held in November 2022.

Nosy Crow Publishing House

We are indebted to the incredible generosity of Nosy Crow Publishing House, a highly regarded independent publishing house, which donated nearly 100 books to Refuge In Literacy UK for domestic violence refuges across the UK. Their positivity and immediate response was overwhelming and we value Nosy Crow’s passion for community social responsibility. Incidentally, some of the twenty refuges included the Shetlands, Orkneys, Hebrides and Anglesey.

Imagine That!

We are very grateful to the generosity shown by Imagine That! a highly respected independent publishing house based in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Their immediate response to our request was met with positivity and enthusiasm and the wonderful donation of books ensured families were able to enjoy the books.

Paula McMahon and Sir Robert McAlpine

We would like to thank Paula for her beautiful books donated on behalf of Sir Robert McAlpine. The determination to support Refuge In Literacy UK reflects great community social responsibility from the company, and as an organisation we were thrilled to receive the donation of books.

Jen McClelland, The Soroptimists

We wish to thank Jen McClelland who will be the new Regional President for the Midlands for the continual and inspirational support to encourage her members to become actively involved. Refuge In Literacy UK. Training sessions with the Lichfield Soroptimists have taken place, and further developments are on the horizon for tighter links. Jen’s impact so far has been phenomenal.